Monday, January 26, 2009

Putting Parenting To Bed Film Excerpts

We've been using the Good Book Company parenting course by Ann Benton (2008) called Putting Parenting to Bed: Uncommon Sense for Modern Parents.

I just thought it might help someone to know how far into the films the recommended clips are, so here's what it said on the front of my DVD player:

(1) Parenthood - scene 6 - 2200

(2) The Sound of Music - scene 22/23 - 10750

(3) Dead Poets Society - scene 7 - 10336


  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    Brilliant - I noticed that the leaders' manual gave no guide of what clip to watch!! Thanks

  2. Anonymous10:21 am

    Would you recommend the course, from what you've seen of it so far? We need to start running something here, but have not yet decided whether to write our own or use something already out there.

  3. We finished the course (having done it in 3 sessions). We had about 12 of us.

    It's certainly worth looking at. Not sure what else is out there? Steve Chalke did a ParentTalk course, didn't he?

    The Good Book one is intended primarily as a pre-evangelistic thing (and it might be very good at that in some contexts) whereas our customers were Bible believing Christians. The material is quite light on the Bible. We supplemented it with a look at Eph 6:4, Dt 6, some stuff on "the rod" and Christian Education.

    I found Ann Benton's talks needed a bit of adapting. They are also fairly long - I felt I did quite a lot of talking. Some of her emphasis might be debateable depending on the audience. Perhaps it assumed a fairly middle class audience in some places? Much of it is in the realm of sanctified common sense rather than what the Bible says. I think the talks may seem opinionated / controversial at some points to some (e.g rewards systems viewed as bribery).

    Happy to talk to you further about it if you like.

  4. Anonymous11:12 am

    positive parenting do a superb 5 session course - what do children need, emotional security, loving boundaries, keeping them safe, problem solving...with optional extras as appropriate eg teens, lone parents, food and eating etc. It too is based on biblical principles but written in a completely neutral way so if you didn't know - you wouldn't know!! It lends itself briiliantly to all kinds of parental types and yet doesn't compromise on real wisdom...

    p.s. i am a great fan of anne benton's book and look forward to looking at the course she's done.
