Monday, January 19, 2009

At A Distance / Taking Jesus at His Word

Some jottings for a sermon I preached on 4/1/09 on John 4:43-54 which is available on our church sermon page.

John 4:43-54 At A Distance: Taking Jesus at His Word

The purpose of John’s Gospel (and of this passage): 20:31

(1) “that you may believe”

Real faith not only welcomes Jesus (v45) but honours him (v44)

Don’t let familiarity breed contempt (v44; 1:11)

Accept Jesus as Lord on his own terms

Real faith not only looks to Jesus in a crisis (vv46-47) but is committed to him (v53)

Status, power, wealth, youth are no insurance against tragedy (v46)

Bring your needs to Jesus (vv47, 49)

Trouble should drive us to Jesus. Make Jesus your first resort

Jesus is not for emergency use only, not just for a crisis

Real faith doesn’t demand miraculous signs (v48) but takes Jesus at his word (v50)

Cf. 2:23-25. The significance of the signs is Jesus’ glory (2:11)

Believe without seeing (vv41-42; 20:24-29)

(2) “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God”

Jesus has the authority of God Himself (Dt 32:39; Gen 1:3)

Jesus knew he must take the path of dishonour (vv43-44)

(3) “life in his name”

Jesus can give life in the face of death (vv46, 49-50)

Jesus can heal at a distance (v47, 50). Good news for us: Jesus’ physical presence is not necessary when we have his word.

Jesus heals instantaneously and completely (vv51-53)

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