Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekly Communion @ Mars Hill?

I don't know very much about Mark Driscoll or Mars Hill Church, but I have just listened to a couple of Pastor Driscoll's sermons. It would seem they have the Lord's Supper at every service. Does anyone know if that's correct or if they talk about it anywhere?


  1. That's absolutely right. Driscoll and Doug Wilson are not so far away from one another as some would expect.

    Every service goes roughly like this: Song, Sermon, Call to worship, songs incorporating communion. The sermon is preached live at 4 or so services each week while played on video at the other campuses/services.

    Driscoll's said that they have communion every week to keep the gospel close at all times. So he's not a covenant renewal guy so much as a cross-centered pragmatist. But that's OK...

    He talks about a lot of this stuff on the mp3s from his trip to England earlier this year, and also in his books on churches.

  2. Maybe I should move to Seattle. I can't remember the last time I had communion.

  3. Yes.
    He did speak about it in one of the seminar sessions at the New Frontiers conference... it'll be quite hard to find as it was part of a varied Q&A session.

    There are plans to start live streaming of Mars Hill services online in due course, so maybe you'll be able to see how they do it...

  4. Thanks. That's very interesting. I'd like to see the service.

    In the sermons I heard Discoll spoke about responding to the word of God with worship / singing and communion, which I think he described mainly in terms of remembering the cross.

    Its a little excentric to have the call to worship after the sermon, but of course one can see the point that we respond to the word of God with worship.
