Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Passion For Life

A Passion for Life seems to be an excellent initiative through the Gospel Partnerships. At the website you can request email updates of news and download the Vision For Mission booklet. More information and resources are promised soon.

A Passion for Life is about proclaiming Christ's
PASSION for the LIFE of the world in March 2010.

It means:

• connecting with people - making contact with unbelievers in our local communities
• connecting with churches - partnering with Evangelical churches for the sake of the gospel
• connecting with Easter - rediscovering the glorious message of Christ's death and resurrection

This initiative comes from the 'Gospel Partnerships' emerging around the country and is intended to stimulate regional, church-based, gospel centred mission by evangelical churches of all kinds leading to a month of local missions in March 2010. Join us in prayer that churches will unite enthusiastically in this vision, believers will pray and prepare well, and many unbelievers will be saved to the glory of God alone.

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