Monday, September 22, 2008

The most famous verse in the Bible

Here's the text of my handout for a sermon on John 3:16. The "D"s are stolen from 4 advent sermons by John Piper (1994). My sermon can be heard on our church website.

(1) Everyone’s DANGER:

Perishing without Christ

V18 – condemned

V36 – under the wrath of God

No automatic Christians – a real danger

(2) God’s DESIGN:

So loving the world that he gives His only begotten Son

God loves the whole world

God loves the wicked world

Giving: incarnation & crucifixion – 1 John 4:9-10

(3) Our DUTY:

Believing in Jesus

Believing certain objective truths

Personal trust and dependence – vv14-15 (cf. Num 21:4-9)

For whoever – 3:36

An ongoing duty

(4) Believers’ DESTINY:

To have eternal life

quantity & quality

10:10 – full life

17:3 – eternal life = knowing God

There was some discussion about whether or not John 3:16 is really the most famous verse in the Bible. Someone suggested "The Lord Is My Shepherd...". I reckon the Lord's Prayer may actually be better known.


  1. I can't remember where, but I saw a survey once saying Matt 7:1 was the best-known verse amongst those who don't identify themselves as regular churchgoers.

  2. Anonymous10:51 am

    I would pitch in with 1 John 4:8 -not the whole verse or the ref but it has to be up there as one of the most quoted and misused verses "God is Love"

  3. Anonymous11:52 am

    For my money, it's most likely 1 Chronicles 1:44
