Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some new old heroes?

Some evangelicals can sometimes give the impression that nothing much good happened in the church between Augustine of Hippo and Luther.

Could anyone suggest some heroes from that period of church history?

Could you recommend places to start in their writings or good (especially readable) biographies of them?

I guess a few condidates (though I know very little about some of them), in no particular order, could be Augustine of Canterbury, Boniface, Aquinas, Francis of Assisi, Patrick, Bede, Thomas Becket, Edward the Confessor, Tyndale & Wycliffe (of course).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:28 pm

    Alfred the Great - our greatest Christian king. Francis Nigel Lee has a good paper on Alfred's law reforms here

    Also, the greatest ever Archbishop of Canterbury, Anselm (or at least the greatest theologian to be ABofC). OUP have a good collected edition of his works.

    With Aquinas, I'm kind of assuming that it's best to pick the topic I'm interested in and dive straight into the Summas.

    As for the rest, I'm shamefully ignorant.
