Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lord's Supper Feeding Miracle Gift

Here are some jottings for our midweek BCP communion service today when I'll speak on the feeding of the 4000 from Mark with a nod to Rom 6.

Readings: Ps 34:11-end

1 Kings 17:8-16

Rom 6:19-end

Mk 8:1-10a

BCP p167

Jesus feeds his hungry needy people in the wilderness and satisfies them.

The unique amazing creative power of Jesus – the power of God himself.

Just as God had fed his people Israel with mana bread in the wilderness

Now the Gentiles too are given bread from heaven

Jesus has formed a New Israel around himself

The Gentiles have become like Israel – they are part of the New Israel, the true people of God by faith in Jesus.

This is an undeserved gift rather than an earned wage.

We cannot feed ourselves – we have nothing.

Our resources are pitifully inadequate.

Sin leads to death but the gift of God will lead to life.

Eat the true and living bread that Jesus gives (which is Jesus himself) and you will have eternal life.

Jesus feeds us in this Supper we are about to celebrate.

Feed on him in your heart by faith with thanksgiving.

The Lord’s Supper has the same pattern as this miracle: Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to them, and they all ate.

The minister in this service is Jesus’ servant giving you what Jesus provides.

Jesus himself is the host at this meal: it is the Lord’s Supper.

Jesus himself is also the food: he is the Living Bread, the True Manner.

So eat and be filled.

There is more than enough for whoever is hungry and will come and eat.

There’ll be left-overs sufficient for the whole world, for anyone who will come.

In this meal we recommit ourselves to stay with Jesus and to be his servants.


  1. I like this. Where do you get the Psalm and the OT from?

  2. From the BCP lectionary, as printed in my Canturbury Church Desk Diary. I didn't read them! Epistle & Gospel were read since they are printed on the same page in BCP!

    I did the service basically by the book which made it longer than usual. I also repeated the "Thou shallt not steal" commandment twice by mistake!
