Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Could I accept women bishops?

I am against women being consecrated bishops, I don't think women should preach to men and they probably shouldn't be presbyters. But could I accept a woman bishop?

After all, there probably are or have been other people whom I don't reckon should be bishops and I would have accepted their ministry unless I was convinced they were New Testament False Teachers.

When I was at Oak Hill I obediently went to chapel (mostly!) when women were preaching and accepted their ministry because I thought that it wasn't for me to decide who preaches in chapel and I am required (by being there) to go. Likewise, it is not (perhaps, sadly! - hee hee) for me to choose the bishops and if we want to continue in the C of E it seems we will soon be stuck with it. Whether we want to stay in is, I think, a different question, but I think we could.

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