Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Commentated Mass

One of my fellow ministers explained to me that in her church, once a year they have a "commentated mass" where they explain the order and symbolism of all the elements.

You might think evangelical worship already has too much pointless commentary ("... now we are going to sing another hymn...") but if we had good stuff to say about what we do and why, I think this would be a very useful exercise.

It would also be good to have some written material always available explaining the liturgy and its covenant renewal structure for the newcomer or the curious.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 pm

    At Brasenose in my first year, the chaplain at the time did a 'Teaching Eucharist' which had exactly the same purpose. I like the idea of an explanatory leaflet about why we do what we do.
