Monday, July 14, 2008

Christian Education

I understand you are interested in Christian Education and are least thinking of homeshooling (?!). I don't know much about it but I just thought I might suggest one or two websites on (Classical) Christian education / homeschooling which could be of some interest or help?

Though he’s an American (!), I think the guru of this subject is Doug(las) Wilson, Pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, who founded Logos school, New St Andrew’s College (University) and Greyfriars Hall (Theological College) as well as Canon Press (Publishing House)!

You may also be interested in

The Association of Classical and Christian Schools -

Hope that helps.

Do let me know your thoughts.



  1. Anonymous8:59 am

    Hi Marc,
    I'm doing a series of posts on just this topic looking at Terence Copley's book: Indoctrination, Education and God: The struggle for the mind. He argues that a implicit secularism is present in our UK state schooling as as someone who is very interested in education I thought I'd try and blog about it.
    Oh, and I too am blessed with the 'gift of dyslexia'!

  2. Thanks, Matt. Looks interesting. I'd say the UK education system (or at least UK educators) are often more than implicitly secular, wouldn't you? Which is ironic as I believe the UK law requires an act of daily collective worship of a largely Christian character in state schools ?

  3. Anonymous3:16 pm

    True the law does currently require an act of daily collective worship of a largely Christian character in state schools. I think though most schools don't have a clue about what do with this requirement and if anything it turns into sharing a morality tale or something similar, but worship or anything approaching something that is genuinely and distinctively Christian - no way!

    The reason I think I went for the word implicit is because it doesn't seem like any one group has their hand sufficiently on the school tiler to explicitly and intentionally create secular spaces. It often (though not always by any means) seems to happen by omission.

  4. Anonymous7:33 am

    Hi Marc,

    A set of talks worth a listen to by those thinking about homeschooling are by Gregg Harris (Joshua Harris' dad). Available at

