Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ruth & The Prodigal

I've noted the comings and goings in Ruth before.

I wonder if the book might not be fruitfully compared with the story of the prodigal son.

In both, there is a movement from the Father's place of provision, from being well fed to hungry, a journey to a far off country of sin where there is eventually a lack of food, suffering and judgement. The characters come back to their senses and go back to where God has provided.

Ruth's humility in 2:13 where she says that Boaz has comforted her and spoken kindly to her though she is less than one of his servant girls put me in mind of the Prodigal's recognition that he is not worthy to be called a son and that the servants are better off than he. Boaz shows a kindness and generosity like the Father's.

The readers of Ruth must not be like the older son, begrudging God's generosity to a gentile younger son.

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