Sunday, June 01, 2008

Questioning Questions

I fully admit the great power of a good question. And I enjoy a good discussion. And let’s have a full and frank exchange of views.

But if you are ever invited to speak at an Initial Ministerial Education event or such like, please do more than ask some questions or facilitate. We don’t really need you to share your academic problems with us.

We already know we are hopelessly confused and divided. We need help to love God and our neighbour better, preach the Word and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ as we serve our churches and the lost world.

In particular, please avoid questions that are incoherent or self-defeating. Do not assume your conclusions. Do not present false dichotomies.

By all means stir the pot up and open cans of worms and pour some petrol on the sticks and light a fire, but let’s put the pot, the worms and the fire to good use in the end.

Thank you.

Of course, we don’t have all the answers, but we do have some fixed points that are of first importance according to the Scriptures and we need reminding of them often.

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