Monday, June 23, 2008

The power of an hour

One of Garry North's themes is what one could achieve in an hour a day if one stuck at it for a long time. Stick to knitting, don't get bored and soon you will have knitted a lot. Think and read about your knitting, make lots of tiny improvements and you'll soon be an expert on knitting.

For us lesser mortals, maybe 20 mins. a day is a more realistic target.

I believe John Piper had the habit of spending 20 mins a day reading Jonathan Edwards. He has become something of an expert and the benifits are clear to see in his wider ministry.

Similarly, my Greek might get better if I spent 20 mins a day on it. Well, maybe not...

Didn't John Stott have patterns of study: an hour a day, a day a week, a week a year, or something like that?

The evangelical quiet time ought to have similar effects over time. With 10 mins. a day of Bible reading, you'd read the whole Bible pretty regularly. Stop to think and pray about it and you'll see the benifits.

I wonder if one can do a PhD in 20 mins a day? Probably not if one is distracted by pointless blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Marc for that simple reminder. And 20 mins a day is such a little amount of time...
