Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ordination goes episcopal

Normally when presbyters are ordained in the C of E, other presbyters join with the bishop in laying hands on the ordinand deacon.

Apparently, in this diocese of Chichester, Bishop John has set the practice that now the bishop alone lays his hands on the candidate and ordains him. Other presbyters may then separately lay hands on the candidate and pray for them quietly as a sign of welcome and blessing.

I understand this arose because of the confusion over women's ordination. I guess some men did not want to be touched by women presbyters and some deny that they are such. I guess some men didn't want to touch women too. This way the peace is kept and contamination is spared.

As I understand it, in this diocese the ministry of women is welcomed but it is retired bishops who priest all the women. I'm not sure I understand that policy, but there we go.

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