Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dobbie on Trusting God

Our new youth and children's worker, Chris Chapman, has kindly loaned me a copy of Lieut-General Sir William Dobbie GCMG, KCB, DSO, 's A Very Present Help: A tribute to the faithfulness of God (Marshall, Morgan & Scott, London, 1944), which may make a welcome addition to St Gregory the Great on Pastoral Care and the ordinals as my pre-ordination retreat reading.

General Dobbie, who was the Governor of Malta during its heroic defense in 1940, wrote the book to acknowledge something of his great debt to God and as an imperfect way to express his thanks. He writes in the hope that "the rising generation" may see "that it is a practical and intensely real thing to let Christ come into one's life, and that to-day, as ever before, it is no vain thing to trust in the living God."

There are chapters, amongst other things, on Prayer, the Bible, Service, Christ as Friend and 3 on the "miracle of Malta".

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