Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Cleansing of the Temple (Jn 2)

Here's the text of my handout for a sermon on the cleansing of the temple in John 2, which in due course should appear as an audio file on the Holy Trinity, Eastbourne website.

The real Jesus of the Bible repeatedly surprises us (cf. 2:1-11)

Jesus is determined (v15), zealous (v17) angry and formidable

Righteous indignation is possible (cf. Eph 4:26; Mk 10:14) though beware… (vv24-25; Rom 10:2; Prov 19:2)

Why is Jesus angry?
(1) The glory of God (vv16-17; cf. Acts 17:16)
(2) The needs of others (including gentile nations, Mk 11:17) – exclusion & exploitation

Do we share Jesus’ concerns and godly responses?

Jesus judges even (possibly seemingly) plausible corrupt religion

What would Jesus say of us, our worship & religion? How can we put our own house in order?

Jesus has astonishing, unique authority (v18) as the Son of God (v16), the Lord (Mal 3:1)

Make your peace with Jesus, submit to his lordship

Jesus’ resurrection confirms his identity & authority (v19, “I”)

Jesus is the New / True / Ultimate Temple:
(1) God’s glory dwells in Jesus (1:14, “tabernacled”; 2:11). We go to Jesus to meet God (1:18).
Church buildings ≠ the Temple (Acts 17:24)
(2) the place of sacrifice – (vv14-16), Lamb of God (1:29)

The Jerusalem Temple was obsolete after Jesus died and was destroyed in AD 70, as he predicted (Mt 23:38-24:2; 27:51)

deep, sincere, continuing trust in Jesus (vv23-25; 2:11; 20:31)

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