Monday, May 12, 2008


I found myself telling Baby Jono (a.k.a. Jonathan) today that it was very kind of "Goddy" to give him so many toys.

I'm not sure "Goddy" is an appropriately reverentail title for the Almighty but with all the Mummy and Daddy-ing and so on it seemed to trip off the tongue rather easily.

I guess some might see so kind of justification for the term in Jesus' called the Father "Abba", which is sometimes said to be something akin to "Daddy," although my New Testament tutor at Oxford claimed "Dad" is perhaps closer to the feel of the Aramaic?


  1. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Hmm: James Barr, 'Why Abba doesn't mean "Daddy"'

    From memory the argument is not that a 1st Century child wouldn't call their father "Abba". They would

    The issue is that no 1st century child had the same kind of relationship with their Father that most 20th century Western children do. So "Daddy" is a mistranslation culturally.

  2. Anonymous4:58 pm

    And wouldn't adult children still call their fathers abba?
