Thursday, April 10, 2008

Models of Ministry (and some books)

Shall we make a list of models, metaphors and descriptions of Christian ministers and ministry? We may also consider the roles and functions of the minister.

I've mentioned below priests, deacons, presbyter-bishops and "bishops". Some of these are explored further in Steven Croft's Ministry in Three Dimensions and on the Biblical and historical data, see especially Roger Beckwith, Elders in Every City.

Dereck Tidball's Builders and Fools explores the metaphors for pastoral minisry in Paul.

In The Life and Work of a Priest John Pritchard suggests a three-fold orientation:

(1) The glory of God

presiding genius?

spiritual explorer

artfull story-teller

multilingual interpreter

inquisitive learner

(2) The pain of the world

pain bearer

wounded companion

weather-beaten witness

iconic presence

friendly irritant

(3) The renewal of the church

creative leader

attractive witness

faith coach

mature risk-taker

flower arranger

and finally...


Christopher Cocksworth explores the roots, shapes and fruit of ministry in Being a Priest Today.

The NT lists of charismatic gifts may also provide other categories such a prophet, administrator, helper, governor.

Would Jordan's Sociology of the Church with its three-fold particle, wave, field understanding of church as institution / government, people and gathered worshiping community also generate other ways of thinking about ministry as steward, worship leader and father?

The dear old Church of Engalnd's selction criteria for ordained ministry (PDF) could be worth thinking about.

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