Saturday, April 12, 2008

FV Consensus

I wasn't asked and I've only read it once, but I think I would have signed it. Would you?


  1. Anonymous8:55 am

    For what it is worth (probably, not much), Yes, I think that I would sign it. But then again I am a 'nobody', pastoring a small church at the bottom of the world (Australia).

    Tony Johnson

  2. I'm a nobody assistant pastor at teh bottom of the UK so you're most welcome here, Tony.

    Tony, do you happen to know what Sydney evangelical anglicans tend to make of FV? There was a pretty favourable review of a Doug Wilson book (Serated Edge) in The Briefing the other day, I think?

  3. Anonymous12:31 pm

    The Sydney evangelical Anglicans I know tend to think that FV is a "serious error". I know a number of Moore College graduates and they tend to manifest an allergic reaction to way FV addresses the following: the sacraments, ecclesiology, liturgy, issues around "justification", etc.

    BTW, I am surprised that Doug Wilson and Canon Press have hit Sydney's radar. Go Canon!
