Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Towards Better Bible Studies Training

Here's a Word document with some thoughts on how to prepare and lead a Bible Study with some suggested resources. The notes are from a couple of training sessions I ran for home group leaders and others at Holy Trinity.


  1. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Hi Marc,

    For some reason I can never download from your blog ;O( Any chance you could email me a copy? Would be very grateful.

    My email address is davewilliams and then all the oakhill stuff



  2. Not sure what the downloading problem might be.

    You should be able to get at the file from:

    Not 100% I can remember "all the oakhill stuff", Dave, but I'll give it a go!

  3. What a lot of great stuff! Thanks for making it available.

    One thing I'm learning is to make sure the *whole* group understands the point before moving on. Too easy to hear the right answer and move on, leaving behind 90% of the group!

  4. Anonymous4:26 pm

    My wife with her schol teacher expertise points out th following mistakes that us preachers make when leading studies.

    1. We ask a question that involves a specific answer that we have in our heads. We often fail to notice that someone has given the right/a right answer in terms of what the passage says because we heard the answer as formulated in our heads
    2. Linked to the first, this means our questions can be badly worded because people hear "Now guess what word beginning with p I'm thinking of." Result the silence of fear.
    3. Someone raises a point that is relevant to the passage -and indeed relevant to the discussion at that time. But we planned to tackle it 3 questions later. Sometimes we need to return people to the structure because there is a missing link but the wife thinks that quite often we could go with the flow at that very point.

    Hope that helps. I am apparently quite awful on all counts!
