Monday, December 03, 2007

Two Little Boys

Here's a copy of my handout for a sermon preached yesterday on Zechariah's song from Luke 1:57-80 entitled A Song For Christmas: Two Little Boys - the boys in question being John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ, of course.

A new born baby boy – a proud father

“What then is this child going to be?” (v66)

Significance (of John) in the light of the big picture of:

(1) What God is doing:

God Himself is coming (v68, v76, v78)

A Saviour from the line of King David (v69)

To redeem (v68), rescue (v74), save (v69, v71) and forgive (v77) his people

(2) Why God is doing it:

Mercy (v72, v78) – undeserved love

Fulfilling His promises (v70, vv72-73)

(3) How we (and John) fit in:

John the Baptist’s unique role: Are we ready? Be prepared! (v76)

Two Little Boys: John points us to Jesus

Accept what He offers: light, life, peace (vv78-79), security (v69, v71, v74), freedom (v68)

Serve Him without fear (v74)

Here are a few more jottings as a Word document.

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