Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Third Province Movement

I guess I should be a more faithful reader of the church newspapers that pad onto my doormat every week, but I'd not come across The Third Province Movement website until today. Bishop Wallace Benn and Roger Beckwith are patrons of it.


  1. Anonymous11:39 am


    Would be interesting to hear your views on this.

    Sadly to the constructive/friendly outsider, the 3rd Province looks a tad odd. A sort of clever ceation to allow the reformed to live with the unreformed, the beleiver with the heretic.

    I wonder how it looks to the unfriendly insider?

  2. Who is this "unfriendly insider" of whom you speak?

    I don't know very much about it and not sure what I think.

    Of course I'd like to see a Reformed Evangelical Church of England.

    I certainly don't want to see women Bishops.

    I'm not sure what I'd do if a woman were to become my Bishop.

    I guess a 3rd Province might not be a bad option.

    I imagine people like Church Society & Reform might have had something sensible to say about all this?

  3. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Hi Marc,

    By the unfriendly insider I mean the non Reform/Mainstream Anglicans.

    It strikes me as bad politics

    They willupset people in the CofE over something ear to their polity -ie. the geographical link without challenging them on the key issues you would want to see in terms of reformation.

    They will create something unanglican within the anglican communion. Raising questions about what it is they are staying in for.

    They give the impression to Evangelicals outside of Anglicanism that the organisation is more important to them than their fellowship with other evangelicals.

    A cheeky question -would you rather have a liberal,clearly non christian bishop than a woman evangelical bishop?

  4. Death by hanging or death by lethal injection. A hard choice.

    Blogger seems to have given up on emailing comments to me by the way. Wierd.
