Saturday, December 08, 2007

Jesus Our Castle

The youth group are having an indoor bouncy castle tonight. The text for the talk: "he [God] is my fortress" (Psalm 62:2).

(1) God is a "fortress" for his people (vv6-7) - a place of security and safety, defence, refuge (vv7,8), a (mighty) rock (vv2, 7) - strong, stable, "never be shaken" (vv2, 6) "salvation" (vv1-2), rest (v1) - ultimate salvation, eternal rest

(2) God "alone" is a dependable fortress (v2, v5, v6) - no one and nothing else can give us ultimate satisfaction / "rest" (v1, 5) - always dissatisfied till we find our satisfaction in God - people are weak and will die and sometimes let us down (v9) - riches cannot satisfy or save and are unreliable (v10) - God's strength and love and justice are the certainties in life (vv11-12)

(3) "So trust in God at all times;" (v8)

"pour out your heart to him" (v8) - you can bring any problem or situation to God. He understands and can cope with anything.


  1. Is a bouncy castle really the best illustration for something which is "strong, stable, never to be shaken"?

  2. I guess not, but you've got to work with what you've got!

    I toyed with something about Jesus the king (of the castle ?!!! ... because kings live in castles).

  3. I like this! we're having a bouncy castle tonight for our youth group. was looking for a gospel talk to say during the evening. I like this psalm and how God is our castle!

    Gerv, I'm going to use the bouncy castle as the opposite example of God - He is not bouncy and unstable like this castle of air!
