Monday, November 12, 2007

John's Gospel: Beginning at the Beginning

I'm planning a long series on Sunday evenings in John's Gospel. I preached last month from the "last page" of the Gospel on John's purpose in writing: that those who (unlike "Doubting" Thomas) have never seen the Risen Jesus might believe that he is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing they might have life in his name.

Yesterday I began at the beginning of the Gospel.

Here's my handout:

John 1:1-5 – Beginning at the beginning…

The purpose of John’s gospel (20:31)

that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

The prologue of John’s gospel (1:1-18)

an overture / trailer – introduces themes developed later

simplicity & depth - inexhaustible

“In the beginning…” (John 1:1 / Genesis 1:1)

“was the Word”

Word = Light (vv4-5, 7-9) = Jesus (v14, v17)

Logos / Reason – but a person (he) not a thing / Force (it)

Word of God – reveals / expresses God

agent of God in creation – “God said, let there by light…”

God acts powerfully by his Word - saves / judges

Word of God – gospel – good news

“and the Word was with God”

distinct from God – Jesus ≠ Father

behind the scenes: the private life of the Trinity

relationship at the heart of the universe (v18)

“and the Word was God”

not a god / divine but God

of one substance / essence co-eternal with the Father

--> a greater vision of Jesus: don’t underestimate him

--> to know God, look to Jesus since Jesus is God

--> Jesus makes sense of life

--> Jesus is the Maker: trust him give Life

There are some jottings in a Word doucument here.

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