Monday, November 19, 2007

Get 'em when they're born

Visiting Mrs Lloyd and our firstborn in hospital this morning, it was a bit like being on a beech in Tenerife as people came and touted their wares at us. Would we like to have his photo taken there and then? Someone else would make a framed cast of the boy’s hand and foot print, for a hefty fee. We were also given a Bounty Bag of Newborn “Essentials” (!). No Bounty bars, unfortunately, but I was surprised that there was an official form for registering for Child Benefit amongst all the glossy junk mail.

The pack also contained a flyer for naming ceremonies with who will do you all manner of ceremonies in venues of your choice or flog you a script and let you get on with a DIY option. They could even train you to do ceremonies too!

If there really is a market for such things, I wonder if the church isn’t missing a trick here? Maybe we should be promoting Thanksgiving and Naming Ceremonies to new parents? Maybe the C of E could cut a deal to get its bumph in the Bounty Bag or local arrangements could be made with hospitals?

Someone also told me that when you go to register a death in Eastbourne there’s a poster up advertising funeral ceremonies.

I wonder how many people opt for these new fangled civil ceremonies with their practical atheism or pick n mix spirituality and how much of a loss they really are in terms of evangelistic opportunities.


  1. Wait till you go to the registry office to get the birth certificate. You get more!

  2. I think it's appalling that hospitals allow vulnerable patients to be harassed in that kind of way. I hope you sent all those hawkers away with an appropriate flea in their ear. And the Bounty Bag could certainly be had under the Trade Descriptions Act if there were no Bounties in it. Honestly. What is the world coming to?

    Glad to see that fatherhood hasn't diminished blogging activity.

  3. Anonymous10:22 pm

    I'm just enjoying the thought of you being "on a beech" in Tenerife; are they a common tree on the island?

    Congratulations, by the way.
