Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Sinful Separations & Criminal Confusions for Supper

Calvin’s doctrine of the Supper could be described as criticising a series of illegitimate separations and confusions made by Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Zwinglians variously:


Preaching and sacrament (RC)
Understanding and action (RC)
Language and speakers / hearers (RC)
Minister and people (RC)
Bread and cup (RC)
Promise of blessing and command of eating (RC, potentially Z)
Christ and heaven / Christ and his true humanity (Lutherans)
Sign and the thing signified (Z)


God the creator and bread the creature (RC, maybe L)
The unique and only saving work of Christ and human works (RC)
Old and New Covenants (RC)
Command of God and traditions of men (RC)
Christ the priest and human ministers (RC)
Jesus’ divine and human natures (Lutherans)
Sign and the thing signified (RC, maybe L, perhaps even Z)

And so on, no doubt. His own doctrine has a wonderful union without confusion and distinction without separation.

1 comment:

  1. Though I admit that some of these overlap, perhaps one could add:


    The work of the Spirit from Christ in the Supper (L)
    Christ from believers except in the Supper (L)


    Christ’s local human bodily presence and his essence or spiritual power (RC)
    Honour and worship of the elements (RC, L)
