Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pictures, please

Mrs Lloyd and I have been reading through Exodus together and we could do with some lovely coloured pictures, please. We'd like a labeled diagram of a priest (Ex 28). And surely someone must have made a model of the tabernacle and all its kit for teaching purposes (Ex 25-27).

Mrs Lloyd wanted to know what an Ephod is, and I'm very sorry to say that the IVP Bible Dictionary, to which I directed her, doesn't seem to have an entry for it.

I'm glad to say there is an entry for the Urim and Thummim though it does say: "Almost everything about this provision [for giving guidence, esp. to the leaders of the people] remains unexplained. The words Urim and Thummim have recieved no satisfactory etymology..." (p1219)

I need to gen up on my gems too (Ex 28:17-20). And I couldn't really have picked out "filigree" either, though now I am much the wiser: my dictionary tells me its "ornamental work of fine wire formed into delicate tracery" or some such.

The things they don't teach you at vicar factory!

Update: Thanks to Ros for mentioning that she heard about this at vicar factory:

I was rather hoping for something free on the interweb somewhere, though?

The guys at the Temple Insitute are wasting a lot of time, money and effort re-creating stuff for the temple they expect to see rebuilt in Jerusalem, when they should be trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and making him known, but nevertheless, they've got lots of pictures and some interesting stuff at:

A few more labeled diagrams would have been helpful.


  1. Anonymous4:14 pm

    You are asking for a lot. Colour plates. These books cost enough, you know!

    If you have Peter Enns NIV Application Commentary, there is a (2-d) diagram of the tabernacle on page 520. Note the outer court

    He discusses (briefly - but no pictures) the priestly garb on pges 530-531. Stunningly helpful observation that the clothing was a deliberate resemblance of the tabernacle itself.

    That's all I've got...

  2. You can buy (and I seem to remember being shown at OH) a thing called a flannelgraph which comes with incredibly detailed sets of layered pictures of things like the tabernacle. It's designed for Sunday school classes and useful for both adults and children. I'll see if I can find a link.

  3. Here:

  4. Thank you both.

    I havent got any commentaries on Ex at all. I take it you'd reccomend that one?

    I'm surprised Revd Mr Jordan hasnt found someone to work with on some diagrams.

  5. Anonymous9:32 pm

    Try this for ephod:
    I don't know if it's accurate - I haven't checked on the Bible passages etc.
