Monday, October 01, 2007

On study leave / retreat at Oak Hill

Its lovely to be back at Oak Hill for the week, though sadly without Mrs Lloyd.

My room is much better than our flats here!

Nice to see everyone again.

No real changes spotted so far - except there are lots of strange people. And more windows in the dining room. Most sadly the "Be Right and Persist" crest is gone somewhere, which is a scandal.

Very much looking forward to the Eucharist on Thurs AM with Revd Dr Principal Ovey presiding and Rt Revd Dr Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, preaching.

Obviously working hard. Wrote some excellent blog posts today on Calvin etc. but sadly they are stuck on my lap top at the moment.

Right, back to the books now. Overtime, eh?


  1. No more "be right and persist"! I wouldn't have had MJO down as a closet compromiser.

    Perhaps Marc, you could ask NTW after chapel what were his favourite moments in Pierced for our Transgressions?

  2. I believe a Q time is being organized. I shall be behaving myself.

  3. That's no fun. Go and heckle!

  4. I think Mike's 1st question should be "So bishop, do you actually read a book before you review it?"

  5. Anonymous10:49 am

    I think the question time is for cert miners and against specific topics. You can come and heckle David Jackman instead if you like?

  6. Maybe I'll ask Mike if I can tag along with the cert minners since I am an anglican of sorts.

    I've no desire to cause troble. (Much).

    I guess I would have even less claim to come and heckle Rev'd David Jackman. I didnt know invites were in your gift, David, but I guess you indies will have anyone?

  7. Anonymous9:15 pm

    Yes I work on the basis that you only find out what is in your gift once you tried it and discover you have or haven't. I'm sure other people take guests into lectures!

    I'm assured by Marian that "Be right and persist" is in safe keeping and will return -so there you have it.

    Did you enjoy the Bish? Nice joke about our new NT lecturer! Shows he does his research.

    Apparently the cert miners got an extra lecture on Acts from him which seems a bit unfair. When they say that the primary focus is training ordinands for anglican ministry does that actually mean giving them an unfair advantage in their NT 2.4 exams.
