Monday, October 22, 2007

Holiday Club

We're planning a Holiday Club for Primary School Age Children (5-11 year olds) in the Easter / Spring holidays from Tuesday 15th April - Friday 18th April 2008, 9:30am -12pm. There'll be a families event on Saturday 19th April and a special holiday club service on Sunday 20th at 10:30am.

Please pray for the club and for the core team. Volunteers welcome!


  1. I hope you're in charge Marc.

    Our holiday club starts tomorrow. Good preparation day today. All I have to do tomorrow, is compere, lead the singing, operate a puppet and do the talk!

  2. At the moment I'm in charge, but hopefully we'll be employing a specialist by then!

    The Director of Youth and Children's Ministry from All Saints, Eastbourne is helping us so he's the expert.

    Sounds like you have an easy day :) We'll pray for you.

    What material are you using? Is it any good?

    We are thinking we might base things on Scripture Union "Going Bananas" which I've not seen but which All Saints man has used before and said was okay.
