Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Calvin on the "feel" and goal of worship

Is your church aiming for this on a Sunday?

“… certainly we exhort men to worship God in neither a frigid nor a careless manner; and while we point out the way, we neither lose sight of the end, nor omit anything which is relevant to the matter. We proclaim the glory of God in terms far loftier than it was wont to be proclaimed before; and we earnestly labour to make the perfections in which his glory shines better and better known. His benefits towards us we extol as eloquently as we can. Thus men are incited to reverence his majesty, render due homage to his greatness, feel due gratitude for his mercies, and unite in showing forth his praise. In this way there is infused into their hearts that solid confidence which afterwards gives birth to prayer. In this way too each one is trained in genuine self-denial, so that his will being brought into obedience to God, he bids farewell to his own desires. In short, as God requires us to worship him in a spiritual manner, so we with all zeal urge men to all spiritual sacrifices which he commends.”

(LCC Calvin’s Theological Treatises, ‘The Necessity of Reforming the Church’, p187)

Warmth, care, preaching, the glory of God, relevance, eloquence, reverence, homage, gratitude, praise, confidence, prayer, self-denial, training, obedience, transformed desires, spiritual worship and sacrifices. What could be better?

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