Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Homemade Cake

There's little better than a good homemade victoria spongue and tea, is there?

Our previous church in London used to have good homemade cake and biscuits at its weekly Mothers and Toddlers group. It was an added selling point and provided a good homely and hospitable welcome. It all contributes to a good atmosphere for friendships and gospel conversations. People would bake on a rota so it wasn't too hard and the church would pay for ingredients as necessary. It was a wonderful way for those who couldn't help with the children's work in any other way to contribute to this vital outreach ministry: the body working together.

I bet any group in your church could use some homemade cake or biscuits. Why not offer to bake some for them? Indeed, your curate could use some....


  1. But: we'll all get FAT! Cake is a real danger for me.

  2. When did you ever go to Trinity Tots?

  3. Yes, Michael, but what's wrong with fat? God loves the fat parts and we will only get more weighty-glory cuddeliness.

    I never went to TT, Ros, though the wife baked for it sometimes. I was just guessing how marvelous it all was from what people said!
