Saturday, September 22, 2007

Explained Absence

We're off on holiday for a week (staying on a farm near Canterbury), back for the Harvest Supper where I've foolishly promised to do something amusing, and preaching on Matthew 23, then I've a week at Oak Hill to crack on with the PhD.


  1. Where near Canterbury?

    When are you at OHC?

  2. Hello Marc, On what aspect of theology will you be focusing for your PhD ?

  3. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Yet again, Ruth brings the tone of the comments down, realises it but still can't not ask: What amusing thing are you doing?

  4. Neil, In Ansdore near Petham and Waltham (ie middle of nowhere). Didnt go to Herne Bay but did go to St James, Westgate. Thought we might be able to see East Anglia at one point?

    Celal, its about Scripture (Warfield) and the Lord's Supper (Calvin): word as sacramental, Supper as Word. Lots of stuff on this blog and on my other website around it.

    Ruth, not at all. That's what I have to work out this afternoon. Maybe I'll blog it afterwards.

  5. Ooops. NJ: at OH, Mon lunch - Thurs lunch this coming week.

  6. Oh, I meant Mt 13, of course, sower, weeds & mustard seed.
