Thursday, September 06, 2007

Article 1 Sentance Flow Diagram

I never really got the hang of going these on Biblical texts and I'm sure blogger wont show it up properly, but here goes:

(I) There is but one

(i) living

and (ii) true GOD,


without (i) body,

(ii) parts,

(iii) passions;

of infinite (i) power,

(ii) wisdom,

and (iii) goodness;

the (a) Maker,

and (b) Preserver of all things both (i) visible

and (ii) invisible.

And in the unity of this Godhead there be (II) three Persons, of one (i) substance,

(ii) power,

and (iii) eternity;

(1) the Father,

(2) the Son,

and (3) the Holy Ghost.

Some points of this are debatable, of course. How exactly does "one living and true God" work? I guess it should actually be one living and true God as opposed to many lifeless / fales gods rather than there is one God, who is also living and true? Oh hum ho!

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