Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We distinguish!

After much waiting and not a little cajoling, Rev’d Neil T. G. Jeffers, MA(Oxon), MTh, CertMin (distinction!), has finally entered blog-land at Distinguo. You have to forgive him the completely unnecassry latin. At least there are unlikely to be spelling mistakes over there.

He rightly urges us to distinguish. In other words, to ask of every statement, “in what sense?”.

At Oak Hill, “we distinguish” is something of a mantra and to be honest it can get a bit tiresome. But you only have to read a newspaper, or indeed listen to many a preacher, to realise how vital it is. We must never allow boredom or laziness to cause us to fail to distinguish. If we do, we will find ourselves slipping into heresy – or, depending on our situation and temperament - mounting an entirely unnecessary witch-hunt.


  1. Thank you for the free publicity, Marc.

    Incidentally, my middle initials are the other way round, not that it matters a great deal.

    Blame the latin on Dorothy Sayers - she started it!

    By the way, we distinguish would be distinguimus.

  2. Ah, apoloigius ignoramius mai.
