Tuesday, July 03, 2007

"Take This Bible"

I wassometimes laughed at at Oak Hill for using an interlinear New Testament, but would you believe it, they were given out at our ordiantion to the diaconate. Admittedly it is a rather better interlinear than I had (it has the Revised Standard version, a new literal translation and the latest United Bible Society text and is attractively presented) but we still would have seen this as dumbing down. Shame they don't dole out whole Bibles.


  1. Don't you get the whole Bible when you're ordained priest? Along with magic hands...

  2. Don't know. We shall have to wait and see. I don't *feel* any different, by the way, though one of the priest candidates assured me that I would, if not on the day, certainly that week, so a few days to go...

  3. Anonymous11:32 am

    Yes. Next year we get the whole Bible, though if Chichester is the same as Norwich, you get a plain old NRSV like an Oak Hill exam Bible. Wonder why they don't do interlinear Hebrew OTs?
