Thursday, July 05, 2007

A pattern of daily prayer

Here is a pattern of daily prayer for an Anglican minister with a family:

7:30-7:45am personal private prayer with a reading from Scripture (marking off what has been read to ensure a balanced diet over time)

7:45-8am A Psalm and prayer with the wife using a prayer list

8-8:20am Parish Morning Prayer according to Common Worship (perhaps praying through the activities of the church)

6-6:20pm Parish Evening Prayer according to Common Worship (perhaps praying through the electoral roll)

At the main meal of the day: Family devotions: a bit of Old Testament, a bit of New Testament and a Psalm (marking off what’s been read) and prayers. Singing a Psalm.

A short prayer at bed time with each of the children and the wife.

You'll notice this out-does the Muslims!

We’re managing a bit of personal prayer and Bible reading, the wife and I are praying and reading together and we are having parish prayers at 9:15am every morning in the church, but its good to have something to aim at!

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