Tuesday, July 03, 2007

HT Club

I had a really good time at HT Club today - the group for babies, toddlers and their grown-ups at Holy Trinity, Eastbourne.

Its held on Tuesdays from 10am. There's free parking available. We kicked off with some action songs using musical instruments, that the kids very much enjoyed. Then we sang the HT song to wake up HT the mouse, who hides around the church. We had to go and find him, and then he (a squeeking glove puppet) hosted the rest of the event.

There was good Bible teaching - a short talk from the Psalms: God made music for us to enjoy. And Katie played her sax expertly!

After that we went off to the church hall for coffee.

For those interested in finding out more about Jesus, there's a Mothers and Others Bible Study Group.

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