Saturday, July 14, 2007

How To Pray For The New Curate

Here is an outline of the sermon I preached at Holy Trinity last Sunday from Colossians 1:28-29 entitled "How To Pray For The New Curate" or "Authentic Apostolic Ministry". There are some more jottings in a Word document here.

Paul’s mission statement – and ours? Colossians 1vv28-29 (page 1183)

(1) Who has this ministry?

“we” – see 1v1 and 3v16

(2) What is this ministry?



“ admonishing and teaching”

(3) To whom?


(4) How?

“with all wisdom”

(5) Why?

“so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ”

(6) What is this ministry like?

“I labour, struggling”

“with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me”

Paul’s prayer requests – and ours? 4vv2-4

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