Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Carry on Camping

Mrs Lloyd and I off on “camp” (Romsey 1) on Friday to indoctrinate 11-14 year olds. We’d very much value your prayers. Camp has “planted” this year, so a lot of the team is new and we’re at a site which is largely new to us (we weren’t there last year and major building work has been done, so we’re expecting it to be transformed!). We’re also without our intended adjutant, so we’re going to be rather stretched. The theme is the Wild Wild West, so we’ll both be wearing silly costumes that Mrs Lloyd picked up from a shop on the seafront and saying “yee-ha” at every opportunity, or something.

Mrs Lloyd and I are both leading dorms and have some Bible studies to do. The main talks and Bible Studies come from Mark’s gospel. Mrs Lloyd is co-ordinating the music (with a large and gifted team!) and is acting as Treasurer. I’m giving the first talk and leading the final evening meeting. We’re both also leading Buzz Groups – kind of inter-active Bible learning fun seminars – following the Two Ways To Live gospel outline. I’m doing box 3, “Punished”, on Tuesday and Mrs Lloyd is doing box 4, “Forgiven”, on Wednesday.

Maybe some 11-14 year olds, and indeed some leaders, from Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, would like to come with us next year?

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