Monday, July 02, 2007

The Best Boss in the World Ever

Apart from all The Rev'd John A. Cheeseman's many admirable qualities, in our first staff meeting today he gave me a free set of John Owen's Works, which I have coveted for some time. What more could one ask? John assured me, too, that he wasn't giving them away 'cos he was going unsound 'cos he isn't, in case you were worried!

Owen was a Puritan and perhaps the greatest ever English theologian - though some might give that title to Jonathan Edwards, though he lived in the States.

You can look our for John's new book on the Life of Elijah from The Banner of Truth, soon, I believe. As well as an increased knowledge of cricket in Barbados, it is part of the fruit of his recent sabbatical.


  1. Owen is definitely the best; Edwards is of great value, but his writings are almost all homiletical and pastoral in their focus - Owen writes across the whole spectrum of levels and issues. And Owen wrote Pneumatologia - which is incomparable.

    In my humble opinion


  2. Well, it is interesting to hear that from an Edwards scholar!


