Wednesday, June 27, 2007

To my wife: on internet porn

My love, I just want to make sure you know that there is nothing on my lap top or on our computer that is private or secret from you. As you know, my password is ******** and you are welcome to look at any of my emails and my web history.

If you ever come across anything on our computers you are concerned about, you could talk to me or if you didn’t feel you could, then call Jeffers or talk to our pastor John or the Bishop. They would get in touch with the police if they need to.

I’m going to set up Covenant Eyes on the computers so that Jeffers gets an email if we look at things we maybe shouldn’t.

Not that I have been looking at anything I shouldn’t have, my love, but that was partly because college were monitoring our internet use. I don’t think any of us should think we can’t stumble in this area or that we are above temptation. And it’s important to be above reproach.

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