Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It has come!

There is high excitement in the new Lloyd house. Our new Kemble conservatoire piano arrived just after lunch. Mrs Lloyd has played some Hayden, some hymns, some Bach, and a load of other stuff I don’t recognise. I think she’ll be happy for the next few weeks and content to be left alone while I go off to The Bishop’s Palace.

The black piano looks rather splendid in our new sitting room and is shinning away in all its glory. Markson’s Pianos have been great. They have puff pieces from the Royal Albert Hall and Arson Venger! North London Piano movers were experts: very careful and a pleasure to watch as they put they backs into it and used their trolley wonderfully well.

Mrs Lloyd was only commenting the other day what life and joy and fun and relaxation a piano might bring to a home.

Lessons from £10 for half an hour subject to availability.

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