Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eastbourne: profound thoughts

Our first impressions of Eastbourne were very good. We might look into retiring here when we’ve done our 4 years of ministry. Near us there’s a lovely 12th Century church, a nice old pub, a great little garden / park with a bowling green, and a very handy Waitrose. Every parish should have one.

It goes to show, though, that places, and perhaps particularly English seaside towns, look better in the sunshine. Yesterday we almost got blown away on the seafront and today its pouring with rain – which is good for blogging. The family style open air service for all ages has fled to the church building.

Some people have mentioned to us, in caring, subtle and gentle ways, you understand, that perhaps there may be one or two older people in Eastbourne. But we’ve seen quite a few youths. Some even had green hair and those belts they wear as skirts.

I fear I may spend most of my time driving round the one way system rather than ministering the gospel. You follow the signs for “ring road” here and it doesn’t send you conveniently to a quick bypass going around the town but round and round in circles past the car park and a few shops where you’re forced to choose between two different directions you don’t want to go in and worry about juggling between lanes.

We can highly recommend the cod and chips, bread and butter and Boddingtons at the Trident restaurant in the Old Town. I’m thinking of making it a Friday night tradition. Becoming a Greek to the Greeks, and all that.

I say the Old Town, that’s what we’re calling it, though in fact it might be in Down Side. That’s Down as in The South Downs, rather than “down at heal” or anything like that, of course.

We’re very much looking forward to the touristy exploits that the town has to offer. The military museum and the redoubt looks fun. Mrs Lloyd’s father might like the miniature railway. We’ve seen quite a few posh gigs advertised for the Mrs to go to to get a bit of culture.


  1. And have you a spare room for the putting up of visiting friends?

  2. Anonymous9:34 am

    If you're looking for more eating places I can highly recommend 'Uncle Sam's' burger place. I have never had better burger's than good old Uncle Sam's!

  3. Is 4 a joke, or a typo for 40?

  4. Gerv, I've signed up for a curacy that normally lasts about 4years, then the curate normally moves on.

    Ros, yes. We have a double en suit room, a small single room and a bed in the study going begging so do come and bring your friends! Reasonable rates. Maybe we need a lodger if you fancy studying long distance! :)

    Ruth, thanks. Havent spotted that one yet. Where is it? You and your folks are always most welcome to visit / stay if you like, by the way, if Eastbourne still has a pull. You could do some cleaning: it'd be like old times. :)

  5. Have you been deaconed yet?

  6. Daniel, 4pm, Chichester Cath., Sat, David Hope preaching, d.v. Your prayers craved!

  7. Excellent news on the spare room front. So long as I don't have to share with the new child, that sounds very promising.

  8. No, Ros, you can have your own private floor if you want!
