Friday, May 25, 2007

Media Studies

I can’t keep up with all the Oak Hill and Wycliffe goings on in the press. I shall have to make a trip to the common room to catch up.

There was the exchange over Oak Hill in the Church Times over the last couple of weeks.

The Church of England Newspaper have reported the AOCM survey as “Oak Hill ‘being snubbed by church leaders’” as some ordinands were encouraged not to study here.

Some video’s been dug up of Revd Dr Richard Turnbull (from a Reform conference in October 2006) apparently saying that 95% of the people in this country are heading for hell unless they trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and that the good news of the gospel needs to be urgently brought to them.

Andrew McSmith in today’s Independent:

Along with Comment from Charles Nevin.

And Stephen Bates in yesterday’s Guardian.,,2086769,00.html

And was DP being interviewed for the Radio 4 Sunday Programme today? I think they’ve even recording some of Mrs Lloyd’s wonderful piano playing, though I’m not sure Hayden is breaking news.

Right, off to Paris for the weekend with Oak Hall and a couple of talks on Psalms 1 & 2 in my rucksack.


  1. Yes, fun and games: it is always helpful to be reminded how terrible journalism really is, isn't it?

  2. I very much enjoyed Mrs Lloyd's beautiful piano playing on Radio 4 this morning, which I thought made Oak Hill sound like a very civilised place indeed!

  3. Anonymous7:50 am

    And it's got people watching the Turnbull video which apart from reminding people that we are meant to be in the business of Evangelism (as per the 95% going to hell) also makes the point that

    1. The vicars of the future will be affected by the type of theological education they get

    2. Theological colleges need to be properly funded or they will close down

    Funny isn't it how one person's stating the obvious is another person's conspiracy theory
