Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Job Opportunities at Wycliffe Hall

According to The Guardian today there is trouble at Wycliffe Hall. A number of the academic staff are apparently unhappy with Revd Dr Richard Turnball’s leadership and "those who have resigned include the director of pastoral studies, the director of studies, tutors in liturgy and evangelism and the college's vice-principal and tutor in New Testament studies".

I had heard of positive noises about Turnball and that he wants to emphasise the Bible and evangelism.

David Virtue reproduces the article here.

There’s also some discussion about it on the “Thinking Anglicans” website.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:55 pm

    Which leaves the question "When is it right to go to the press?" Is that a bit like going to the law courts these days. If it is does it colour our views of those involved. I have to say the Guardian article was journalism at its worst -corridor whispers, caricature assasination of Turnbull etc knowing that the college can't respond officially in the middle of legal procedings. It looks like there is a real fight on for orthodox faith. It is vital that we pray for Richard Turnbull, Wycliffe and its students that the enemy of the gospel will not prevent the training of godly ministers
