Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jesus the Sign of God

That link to the Leithart post I mentioned before worked for me today! He's drawing on Rhonda Wauhkonen discussion Nicholas of Lyra's "Hebraic" semiotics and hermeneutics in a 1992 article on Chaucer:

Jesus was also presented as the semeion (or the 'ot) [sign] of the New Covenant. As such, He assumed a peculiarly 'literary' role: being both the Sign and the Signified, the Revealer and the Revealed, He paralleled and surpassed in Himself the sign theory of the Hebrew Scriptures…. He brought together in Himself the 'ot (the sign), what it signifies, and the right reading of it. In effect, He became the Author, the Narrator, and the Participant in the 'Text' of the world and of Scripture." Hermeneutically as in every other way, "all things hold together" in Christ - sign, thing, author, text, reader.

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