Wednesday, March 28, 2007

World / Text / Sign / Sacrament

Sorry if I’m boring you on this subject, but here goes (again, perhaps):

Roland Barthes speaks of the world as a text: a system of signs that we read as meaningful.

Eastern Orthodox theologians speak of the world as a sacrament or sacramental.

Reformed theologians have spoken of the sacraments as words. Semiotics tells us that words are signs. May we call the sacraments texts, signifying systems, meaningful discourses, sermons (rather than isolated words)?

Could we also call the sacraments a world, a system, a social space, a microcosm, an epitome or re-making of a world or a renewal of the world?

Please do let me know if this is either gobbledygook or dangerous heresy, wont you?


  1. I'm pretty sure Jordan talks about sacraments restructuring the world.

    Of course some would say he's talking gobbledygook.

  2. Anonymous10:55 pm


    Anything that involves Barthes is in danger of becoming gobbledigook I'm afraid. The man talked nonsense. Let's face it, anyone worth their salt in literature now is coming round to that opinion. I hope theologians wont do their usual trick of falling in love with a literary theory just as it goes out of fashion in its own school of learning

  3. Anonymous2:42 pm

    By the way Roland/ Ronald -I assume its the same person. Why the switch round of the letters though -was it an ironic gesture at the arbitary nature of signs?

  4. Dave,

    Thank you - how embarassing! Nothing so sophisticated I'm afraid. Hope I've put it right now.



  5. Anonymous10:13 pm


    I've seen it spelt both ways elsewhere so you're not alone!

    I'm sure even though you think it wasn't deliberate that Freud will tell you that deep down you were making such a gesture as I suggested?

    Anyway hope you are having a good Easter break -have you stayed in London or has Wales called you home?
