Thursday, March 01, 2007

Why I Am An Anglican

I'm very much looking forward to reading this new booklet (Orthos 23, 2006) from The Fellowship of the Word and Spirit: Biblical Theology for the 21st Century (President: Bishop Wallace Benn; Chairman: Revd Dr Simon Vibert (editor); Secretary: Revd soon to be Dr James Hughes).

The booklet gives 12 contributions from today's leaders of conservative evangelicalism:

Donald Alistair, archdeacon of Chester
Simon Austen, vicar
David Banting, vicar, chairman of Reform
Wallace Benn, Bishop of Lewes
Dr Mark Burkhill, vicar, Latimer Trust
Jonathan Fletcher, vicar
Clare Hendry, deacon
Dr Gavin McGarth, Co-mission staff member
Rob Munro, vicar
Jim Rushton, vicar
Mike Smith, vicar
Dr Richard Turnbull, Principal, Wycliffe Hall, Chairman of Church of England Evangelical Council


  1. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Should be good. That's a cracking list. Might start putting together "Why I'm not an Anglican."

    For me that would probably be

    1. The Internal Church structure and mixed church philosophy
    2. That here in the UK it's an established church
    3. Infant Baptism
    4. Views of the Priesthood/laity relationship -hence lay presidency might tempt me a bit more your way ironically!

    Why do I say the "Why I'm not" because plenty of us are not hostile Anglican haters and there are a number of attractions

    1. Some better ideas of interdependency
    2. I love the liturgy -even the ASB compared to a lot of other options -although I think the Methodist Book of Offices that I grew up stands out -especially its Covenant Renewal Service
    3. Thought out approaches to training

  2. Anonymous9:54 pm

    Gavin McGrath -not Garth by the way!

    Probably one of the best minds in Evangelicalism at the moment (goes with that surname I guess) -certainly by a long way the most intelligent person I've ever met -and with DF and co that's saying something!
