Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ovey, Sach & Jeffery

It has been suggested in the bloggosphere that the great doctors, Oak Hill authors of Pierced For Our Transgressions would make a very good law firm, which given Dr Ovey's BCL etc and the legal arguments of their book may well be the case.

I wonder if they might not go down in history as The Oak Hill Three when the Liberals and Openness types get hold of the book.


  1. Anonymous7:56 pm

    It would be interesting to know just how many Oak Hillians have a legal background of sorts -to my knowledge in the first year there is Williams (me), Wroe, Wilson (that sounds like a plausible firm too!) and I think Sweeting too? Anyone else? Probably would confirm everything for Giles Fraser.

    By the way Open Evangelicalism -is it a fairly Anglican thing -I'm not sure of it exisiting outside of that and Ridley's definition is very Anglicocentric

  2. Anonymous7:57 pm

    sorry -mental amnesia between reading and writing you were talking about openness rather than open. Ah well -still would like an answer

  3. Legal... and scientific. Don't Jeffrey and Sach have science PhDs?

    I think they sound more like an advertising firm.

  4. Yes, I think Dr Jeffrey made some clever instrument in Oxford with medical applications that's a bit like a record player stylus and measures things. And Dr Sach may be an expert in how to hear things in a crowded room. But I could be quite wrong on that.
