Thursday, March 01, 2007

He Is Coming Soon!

Doug Wilson - one week today - Oak Hill College

The Lord Jesus Christ as Judge of the Living and the Dead - probably a thousand generations or so


  1. Try not to appear too much of a groupie - but if you could ask for his autograph...

    Of course, since I met Leithart and Jordan, those are the kind of circles I move in all the time.

    What is he actually going to be doing at OH and is there uniform support and excitement? How do the Ebbes-ites feel?

  2. Why should I not appear a groupie? Though I dont know what could possibly give that impression.

    Ros, maybe you could teach in Moscow when you're done?! Move onto a huge farm... roots.... land.... guns... cooking from the Hot Providence cook book. I wonder if we have that in the Oak Hill library.

    Speaking as an Ebbesite, I am very excited. I assume Jeffers (an arch Ebbesite) is looking forward to it too. I believe GN, who used to be Vaughan's little helper, is sympathetic.

    Of whom were you thinking?

    I don't know what folk from St Helens think.

    To be honest I'm not picking up too much of a buzz around college - but maybe I'm out of touch with all that time in my study and at the British Library (cafe).

    PS. What would you like Pastor Wilson to say in your note?

    I might ask DF if DW might do book signings!

  3. Anonymous12:35 pm

    Happy Doug Wilson day

    Bookstall and Doug Wilson on one day -it is like Christmas and Easter all rolled into one
